Daily Habits / Plank post



A small daily habit can have such a big impact on your life. If the habit is good or bad it can still impact you. For example, if you have a bad habit like biting your nails it can impact you by getting you sick because of the germs on your nails. But if you have a good habit like reading and adding a minute every day it can impact you by increasing your stamina to read for longer. The daily habit I did from October to December is planked every day starting at 30 seconds. Every week I added 15 seconds and it started to get a bit harder once I reached a minute and thirty seconds. 

To stay in the plank once it got hard, you had to have a positive mindset. If I was having a bad day I would automatically have a bad mindset. What I did to not have a bad mindset while planking is to plank next to my friends and try to have a conversation with them. When we were holding the planks for longer that would be kind of hard because you have to multitask. Holding a plank uses a lot of core strength and to talk you need to breathe. In my opinion, it’s kind of difficult to breathe while tightening your core. 

As I added time when I was planking I noticed that the first day it was harder but as I kept  on doing it every day it got easier until the next week and the cycle just keeps going.  On days that I had a lot of homework, sometimes I forgot to plank. The days I almost forgot to plank, my friend Jules reminded me. On days that I didn’t know if we were going to plank today or if I had planked today I would ask Jules. Now that the weeks of holding planks for minutes have gone by I feel more confident and stringer in holding planks.  

My new daily habit I chose to do now is to meditate every day. I chose this habit because I noticed that one of my friends is always happy and relaxed all of the time and one day I asked them how they stay so happy and relaxed through all of the stress at school. They told me that they meditate. Since school and gymnastics are so stressful, I decided to take her advice to meditate. So far my new daily habit is going very  well. I have noticed the difference in my mood from before I started meditating and after I started meditating.