Wisdom Tale Comic


In this project we learned what wisdom tales are and read some of them. Reading the wisdom tales led up to a big project where we had to make a one-page comic about one of the wisdom tales. To keep the definition of a wisdom tale short a  wisdom tale is a story with a moral. For a wisdom tale to have the same moral it doesn’t have to be a similar story. To get the same moral it will have some similarities but there will be more differences than similarities.

After reading some wisdom tales we got to decide on which one we would use for our comic and I chose the wisdom tale Feathers. I chose Feathers because it reminded me of some situations that I’ve observed like this wisdom tale. Another reason I chose this story is because I wanted my comic to be different from other people’s comics, and I knew exactly what I was going to draw when I thought of this wisdom tale.

Feathers is a story about a woman who is unkind and was accused of starting a rumor. The woman went to the rabbi and tried to protest against what she said and the rabbi told her to go get his pillow, cut it, and try to collect every single feather and to bring it back to him. The woman attempted to do this task but failed miserably. The moral of this story is: think before you speak because words cannot be taken back.

Before we started drawing our comics we got some tips from Mr.Peck. Mr. Peck is a visual storyteller and artist. Some tips he gave us is to keep it simple and you don’t need to have a lot of detail for something to look good. Out of all of the tips he gave us, these two stood out the most to me.

When I was trying to draw my comic I had no idea how I would draw the people. After attempting to draw the woman in Feathers and not liking my drawings  I remembered the tips he gave me. I eventually kept it simple and in my opinion it turned out well. Usually I’m a perfectionist and I add a lot of detail in my art and I would’ve done that on this project but there was one big difference. I usually draw on paper but for the comic I had to draw digitally. I ended up using squares, rectangles, triangles, and circles for this comic. I definitely recommend doing this because it’s simpler, faster, and you can make it look cute or professional.

The drawing app that I used was Sketchbook. Sketchbook wasn’t the best to work with when it came to copying, pasting, moving the picture, and layers. Sketchbook was good with having a variety of art supplies and being able to customize them. If I had to draw another comic it’s most likely that I won’t use Sketchbook again.

ComicLife3 was also a bit confusing. Sometimes I would have to delete things and a lot of the time I would have to adjust everything and start from scratch. If I had a choice on what app I would use to make a comic I wouldn’t choose ComicLife 3 again. On my iPad Comic Life 3 glitched a lot and it would kick me out of the app very often. 

In conclusion, out of all of the projects I’ve had in school  this was my favorite one. This project allowed me to relax and not stress or really think really hard about it because I love to draw, color and art in general.

Daily Habits / Plank post



A small daily habit can have such a big impact on your life. If the habit is good or bad it can still impact you. For example, if you have a bad habit like biting your nails it can impact you by getting you sick because of the germs on your nails. But if you have a good habit like reading and adding a minute every day it can impact you by increasing your stamina to read for longer. The daily habit I did from October to December is planked every day starting at 30 seconds. Every week I added 15 seconds and it started to get a bit harder once I reached a minute and thirty seconds. 

To stay in the plank once it got hard, you had to have a positive mindset. If I was having a bad day I would automatically have a bad mindset. What I did to not have a bad mindset while planking is to plank next to my friends and try to have a conversation with them. When we were holding the planks for longer that would be kind of hard because you have to multitask. Holding a plank uses a lot of core strength and to talk you need to breathe. In my opinion, it’s kind of difficult to breathe while tightening your core. 

As I added time when I was planking I noticed that the first day it was harder but as I kept  on doing it every day it got easier until the next week and the cycle just keeps going.  On days that I had a lot of homework, sometimes I forgot to plank. The days I almost forgot to plank, my friend Jules reminded me. On days that I didn’t know if we were going to plank today or if I had planked today I would ask Jules. Now that the weeks of holding planks for minutes have gone by I feel more confident and stringer in holding planks.  

My new daily habit I chose to do now is to meditate every day. I chose this habit because I noticed that one of my friends is always happy and relaxed all of the time and one day I asked them how they stay so happy and relaxed through all of the stress at school. They told me that they meditate. Since school and gymnastics are so stressful, I decided to take her advice to meditate. So far my new daily habit is going very  well. I have noticed the difference in my mood from before I started meditating and after I started meditating.